Saturday, January 21, 2012

Are You a Psychic?

One question I have had asked several times is if I am a Psychic. I'm not a psychic. I am a person who see auras. There are times that I see something in someone's aura they are unaware of. If it is showing up in their aura it is already in existence. For example, if I were to see an injury or illness before they are exhibiting major symptoms, then when those symptoms start manifesting it could look like I saw the future. In reality the sickness or injury was already present.

It is understandable that the difference may be confusing. It has taken me my whole life to understand what I do, and I will continue to learn about it the rest of my life. I have a feeling I only understand a fraction of what I see, which leaves me lots of room for growth.


  1. Hi Errin,

    You mentioned it was taken your whole life to understand. Would you mind sharing your age or give a range your age is in (sorry to ask a personal question, but it would help me to better sense your current life experience).

    I have some questions that I hope you won't mind sharing in your blogs.

    Do you always see auras or can you turn the gift off?
    Does your own personal emotional state or behavioral actions influence how strongly you see auras?
    You mentioned the ability to see illness (I also assume you also mean disease) before the symptoms are manifested. Have you informed selective people of this so they start caring for it sooner than latter. In connection to this, do you feel a desire to use your gift to bless others? I know you mentioned the negative reactions you have received from mentioning your gift in the past, but do you think there are open people who would be grateful to receive the blessing you could give by sharing your gift? Your sister mentioned the story of the boy who you warned about dating. Do you feel any desire to extend beyond your family in sharing your gift with to bless their lives?
    Do you think an aura is spiritual or physical in nature? In other words, is it a reflection of their spirit or a reflection of how their bodies are reacting to physical, spiritual, emotional and mental conditions?


    1. John,

      I will be 32 this summer. I grew up in a large family. I am able to choose when I see auras now, but that was not always the case. As a teenager I saw everyone's auras all of the time. With that I also felt others emotions, happiness, depression, anger, etc. I would stand in the room and try to place what feeling went with whom. It became overwhelming and I physically started to get sick. I needed to separate others feelings and not see everything all the time, so I could be healthy. Eventually I was able to start choosing when I saw things, at least for the most part. How I got there is another story and I need to get permission from someone before I share that.

      People's auras can show both physical and spiritual things. I believe that one affects the other, and both are reflected in our auras.

      I have shared my gift with others outside my family, although it has been limited. I do feel that it could be a blessing for others as well as myself to share it. I'm learning to take things one step at a time. I feel this blog is the first step.

      My personal state definitely influences my ability to see and understand things. To me this gift is very spiritual, a gift from my Heavenly Father. If I have had a bad day and have been short tempered with my family, I don't feel peaceful. On days like this I find it harder to be open to the meaning of what I see. If my sister were to ask me to look at her aura on one of these days, I would let her know I needed to do it another day, when I was better prepared and more spiritually in tune.

  2. Errin,

    Thanks for being so open. My oldest daughter is 30 years old so that gives you a sense of who you are responding to.
    You mentioned you felt others' emotions. So are you saying you can both see auras and feel emotions? Or are you saying that from seeing the emotions reflected in other people's auras, you could feel their emotions similar to when people see others is pain or distress they can imagine how those people are feeling from a true empathetic emotional response? I really hope you aren't bothered by my questions. I appreciate your willingness to share.


    1. That is an interesting question. Truthfully I have never thought of them as being separate but more of companions. I have picked up on peoples feelings when I am not looking at their aura, so I guess they can work independently. Thank you for that question, I have never looked at it with that perspective.

  3. Hi Errin, how are you guys doing? I'm so glad you have a blog now about your gifts! I hope you can feel comfortable sharing anything you want, and if you ever feel differently just say I rather don't talk about that! hehe. Anyways, I have a question for you. It's pretty simple I you see auras only around people, or around other things like animals, plants, food (cooked or uncooked), objects, etc.?

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. We are doing good, other than a little bug that has been going around. I guess it is inevitable once you have a child in school.

      In answer to your question ,in short yes, I have seen auras around animals, plants, and some objects. I have never looked at food with the intent to see an aura, but ask me again in a month or so, and I'll pay attention to it this month.

      I don't see aura's around every day objects all the time. That doesn't mean they don't have them. For me I notice that many objects that I have noticed auras around seem reflect the energy the owner may give them.

  4. Ok, so what I got was that inanimate objects might reflect in their auras the energy given by their owners, but alive things, like animals, plants, people, they have their own auras. Is that correct?

    About food, I'm really interested, because a person I listen to about nutrition (Dr. Robert Cassar), teaches that depending on the vibrational level of the foods you eat, you become healthier or sicker. You become in a way what you eat. If for example, a person eats a lot of dead foods that have followed a long process and passed through a lot of odd situations, their vibrational level is lowered, but when people eat a high amount of alive foods like fruits, salads, sprouts, etc. then this helps higher their vibrational state.
    I'm so curious about this...I look forward to ask you in about a month about this subject...
